Cosmix Journal

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On Greying Gracefully: Should You Dye Another Day? 

Beauty – February 24, 2022

On Greying Gracefully: Should You Dye Another Day? 

There is a turning point in all our lives when we become aware of our changing bodies - a line appears on your skin, or your body feels different, or you’ve even come across stray grey hair!  For a part of the body whose primary purpose is just to keep you warm - it’s not fair to attach unrealistic beauty standards to your hair. Of course, the state of your hair is a direct reflection of your internal health and is worth the attention. And that’s precisely why we came up with our healthy hair mix. But seemingly healthy hair isn’t good enough for society - it has to fit into the ideals of beauty too. But should something as natural as greying hair, a cause for concern OR conversation? To get our questions (and yours) answered, we caught up with Homoeopathic doctor (and our founder’s mum) Dr. Rashmi Closepet, who recently decided to go grey.  Read on to know more about the cause of grey hair, the role of genetics and stress on it, and even about finding acceptance in ageing gracefully.  Q: What exactly triggers the greying of hair? A: The greying of hair is a natural phase we all go through, especially in your 30’s and 40’s as your body is not producing as many pigment cells. So the hair’s melanin production slows down, causing your hair to lighten. However, there are conditions and medications that can cause premature grey hair as well.  Vitamin B12 deficiency, iron deficiency, copper deficiency, and zinc deficiency can cause premature grey hair as well as thyroid issues, poor circulation, neurodegenerative disorders, (any conditions that weaken nervous system/spine), many skin conditions such as vitiligo and alopecia as well. Those who do excessive chemical treatments on their hair - like heat styling or dyeing - are thought to be more likely to experience premature greying.  Q: Does the greying of hair all have to do with genetics? A: Much of science points to genes as a dominant factor in the greying process of hair, but in my opinion, it mostly has to do with the fact that people usually have similar lifestyles, eating habits, and stress management patterns as their parents and grandparents but there is no way to “scientifically” measure this so it gets chalked up to “genetics.”  Q: What are some ways to prolong the natural color and delay greying?A: Some ways to prolong the natural pigment and melanin in our hair is by finding healthier ways to manage our stress and letting go of alcohol, smoking, and anything that takes a toll on our organs (especially our detox systems: blood, liver, kidney). Q: What are some things to do, to reduce stress and to improve our lifestyle?A: Healing any oxidative stress or chronic inflammation in our bodies can be a huge help in allowing our bodies more time until our hair begins greying. This means letting go of certain foods in our life such as saturated fats, processed sugars, processed foods, red meats, dairy, soda, etc. (basically anything that causes inflammation in the body which can be unique to the individual). Consuming more antioxidant rich foods like berries, leafy greens, and foods and herbs that address iron, zinc, b12, and copper deficiencies. Q: What are your thoughts on the perception of “grey hair” in society?A: I know our society basically pushes old people to the side but once upon a time greying hair was a sign of wisdom. It’s nice to see more women embracing their natural greying hair because it used to signify who was an elder that achieved spiritual maturity and knowledge. It’s a natural process but I understand why in our society women feel the need to dye their hair. Maybe the solution would be to come up with different options like healthier hair dyes or different ways to embrace grey hair and include examples from cultures that still hold this process in high regard. - -  …And that's on developing a better approach towards your hair's health and appearance. We hope this little conversation can help you find peace and comfort with your hair, no matter where it's at.  If you’ve got more questions, do leave them as comments. 

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Top 7 adaptogens to add to your beauty routine for glowing skin and hair growth in 2022

Beauty – December 28, 2021

Top 7 adaptogens to add to your beauty routine for glowing skin and hair growth in 2022

Edited by Aparrna Gupta Earlier this year, we sent beauty and wellness writer Aparrna Gupta (@aparrnawritesbeauty) our plant-based adaptogen blends to try. We appreciate her ‘beauty-inside-out’ approach to glowing skin and hair and how she frequently shares her insights on social media about ‘beautiful living’ as a balance between abundance and sustainability.Aparrna embraced and appreciated the concept of beauty superfoods but left us with a question – what if it could taste better? This feedback resonated with others we received. Recently we updated our best-sellers, ‘Healthy Hair’ and ‘Feel Good Skin’, improving their taste profile while also increasing their potency. And that’s when Aparrna got into a detailed conversation with our founder Vibha Harish on the ingredients, benefits and sourcing of Cosmix products. AG: What are adaptogens?VH: Adaptogens are plants that possess a unique ability to ‘adapt’ to the change in an environment. In a nutshell, adaptogenic herbs can identify an imbalance in the system and help restore balance. AG: Why should we include adaptogens in our diets?VH: Homeostasis, i.e. balance between external environments and our body’s internal environments, is essential for our overall health and well-being. An imbalance in these shows up in different ways. In a modern context, the stressful, fast-paced lives we live affect our gut, sleep, skin, and hair. In today’s times, adaptogens help our internal systems adapt, adjust and return to a balanced state of being. AG: Why is including adaptogens different from having supplements? VH: Supplements act as a stop-gap solution; they don’t solve a problem from a long-term perspective. On the other hand, adaptogens rely on your body’s natural ability to heal and balance itself. This characteristic becomes the differentiator because each body works differently and has different needs. Adaptogens ‘adapt’ to your body’s specific needs and help it achieve optimal wellness. AG: What's the idea behind Cosmix herbal mixes - 'Healthy Hair' and 'Feel Good Skin'?VH: The core idea behind each mix is to nudge people towards holistic health. These mixes don't just "fix" a problem; for the time being, it acts as a support system in the same way as our meals and veggies do. In particular, our mixes 'Healthy Hair' and 'Feel Good Skin' address concerns at a cellular and physiological level. So much of skincare is focused on topical care. But we fail to consider that most of our skin issues are a manifestation of internal problems like gut imbalance, cellular damage and ageing, hormonal imbalance, insufficient micronutrients to the skin and hair. The goal of ‘Healthy Hair’ and ‘Feel Good Skin’ is to help address these intrinsic issues and nourish the very cells that make up our hair and skin. This ensures that your skin and hair look their best because they are healthy and nourished and minimizes your dependence on topical care. AG: Who needs adaptogens?VH: Anyone who’s been struggling with unmitigated hair-fall and scalp issues, dullness, acne and weakened skin due to internal problems stand to benefit from these mixes. AG: How can we use it?VH: ‘Healthy Hair’ and ‘Feel Good Skin’ have been reformulated for more significant, more holistic benefits and ease of use. You need to take around half a teaspoon of a mix and add it to plain water. ‘Healthy Hair’ tastes like berries and ‘Feel Good Skin’ tastes like watermelon due to its natural ingredients.  View this post on Instagram A post shared by CosMix (@thecosmixway) AG: What if I have 'healthy' food? Why do I still need the mixes? VH: In our current lifestyles, having healthy food is essential, but there's also a higher chance of our body not getting enough micronutrients either due to the quality of ingredients or our lifestyle stressors in general. These mixes are formulated with high-quality superfoods sourced carefully from our farms in India and across the world. They help give our body that added support and more targeted care, while our daily diet takes care of everything else. Here are the top seven adaptogens according to herbalist Vibha proven to give you glowing skin and lustrous hair.1. Amla or Indian GooseberryNourishes hair follicles and improves scalp health to prevent damage and stimulate healthy hair growth. 2. Goji berryUsed in Chinese medicine due to it being rich in essential minerals that promote hair and scalp health. 3. Centella Asiatica A mild adaptogen that helps with collagen production and offers anti-inflammatory benefits. 4. Maqui BerryA powerhouse of anthocyanins helps protect skin from UV damage and lends antioxidant protection – a critical factor in maintaining firmer, plumper skin. 5. Nettle LeafThis herb is high in silica and sulphur, which combat hair loss and promote hair growth while restoring hair's natural colour. Nettle also balances the effects of hormone-related hair loss.  6. HorsetailIt contains high amounts of silica which increases the thickness and growth of hair. It also improves blood circulation, which causes hair to grow faster.  7. GingkoIt benefits the body's ability to handle stressors. It counteracts the effects of high-stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, thereby helping combat stress-related hair and skin issues. --Intrigued by the many benefits of these adaptogens and want to try them out yourself? Shop Cosmix's plant-based blends here.

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What can be the cause of my skin problems? Understanding the Liver-Skin Axis

Beauty – September 18, 2021

What can be the cause of my skin problems? Understanding the Liver-Skin Axis

Probably one of the only organs of your body that is capable of self repair, your liver does more than process alcohol. It breaks down toxins, filters out waste and helps your body assimilate and store key nutrients. As such, it has a direct impact on your skin. Let’s understand how. Everything you eat, drink, and absorb from around you, is filtered out by your liver, the elimination organ. Key nutrients are processed and toxins are eliminated. When you aren’t mindful about the processed and refined foods you consume, you risk over-exposing your liver to too many toxins, thereby impacting your skin. Here’s what goes down when you overburden your liver: It gets tired and overworked, causing your kidneys and skin to pick up the slack instead. This results in those impurities exiting your body via your epidermis i.e. the upper layer of your skin. This process of eliminating impurities through your skin can irritate and inflame it, which causes problems like breakouts! One of many things Cosmix’s Feel Good Skin does, is target this liver and skin connection with the help of Burdock Root, a powerful adaptogen that detoxifies your liver and purifies your blood to maintain overall skin health. --- So if you're looking for a holistic solution to improve your skin health, make sure to check out Feel Good Skin which can address many of these concerns.  References:

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